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Below are the companies from neighboring towns.


Phone: +7 (4752) 53-50-03

Address: Tambov, st. Michurinskaya, 46 (map)

"Railway Station"

Ticket office.

Sell ??Avio and w / tickets, ticket booking over the phone.

Phone: +7 (4742) 359332, 355212

Address: Lipetsk, st. Gagarin, 106 (map)


Ticket office. Agency of air communications. Delivery of tickets. Airline.

Phone: +7 (473) 252-38-69, 52-04-47

Address: Voronezh, ul.Plehanovskaya, d.22A, stop. Children's World (map)


Ticket office.

Air and train / train tickets, sale and delivery. Agency of air communications.

Phone: +7 (473) 252-34-00

Address: Voronezh, ul.Plehanovskaya, d.22A, stop. TC Russia (map)

Air-rail cash

Ticket office.

Air and train / train tickets, sale and delivery.

Phone: +7 (473) 252-05-42, 59-77-82

Address: Voronezh, st. Plekhanivska d.22A, stop. Children's World (map)

Travel Shop

Ticket office.

Phone: +7 (4872) 24-56-04

Address: Tula, Lenin Avenue, 103 (map)


Cashiers Sales w / e and tickets

Phone: +7 (4725) 450029, (4725) 450031

Address: Stary Oskol, Queen of the MCR, 5, of.38 (map)

Ticket offices

Ticket offices.

Phone: +7 (8412) 55-10-99

Address: Penza, ul. Kirov, 58 and (map)


Air tickets - delivery, booking,

Train tickets - delivery, order, sale

Phone: +7 (4842) 78-42-80

Address: Kaluga, ul. Nikitin, 8 (map)


Air tickets - delivery, order, sale

Phone: +7 (4842) 59-15-51

Address: Kaluga, ul. Dzerzhinsky, 35 (map)

Airlines of Mordovia

Ticket office.

Phone: +7 (8342) 32-89-28

Address: Saransk, ul. Of Art. Razin, 42 (map)

"Air Tickets"

Sale of air tickets and train / train tickets on domestic flights within Russia and international flights all over the world. Reservation of seats.

Phone: +7 (4922) 34-98-48 34-89-91

Address: Vladimir, st. Tchaikovsky, 38 (map)

"Scarlet Sails"

Sale of air tickets and train / train tickets on domestic flights within Russia and international flights all over the world. Reservation of seats.

Phone: +7 (4922) 38-37-36

Address: Vladimir, st. Paris Commune, 74 (map)

"Vladimir center"

Sale of air tickets and train / train tickets on domestic flights within Russia and international flights all over the world. Reservation of seats.

Phone: +7 (4922) 32-02-11

Address: Vladimir, st. Lenin Prospekt, 15a (map)

"The agency of air communications,"

Sale of air tickets and train / train tickets on domestic flights within Russia and international flights all over the world. Reservation of seats.

Phone: +7 (4922) 24-29-27

Address: Vladimir, st. Red Army, 46 (map)

Ticket offices Michurinsk. All Michurinsk ticket offices are listed in business directory If you are a representative of a ticket office in Michurinsk or Michurinsk region and you did not find here information about your company please register here and we will post your business information in our directory.

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